3 Nov 2015

Week 66 Athens

Sister Heder shared this picture on Facebook
"Dinner on the run, in between meetings, Greek class, and a baptism"

"It's been a good week, busy!"

"I've really gotten to love Gospel Doctrine classes whilst I've been on my mission. I think a big part of it is that we're studying the New Testament in Greek, it's great. And here in Halandri the teacher is really good, and I'm learning a lot of new words as we go as she speaks extremely good Greek.

We didn't get to see Robin and Edward last week in Cyprus unfortunately, but we'll be over there for District Conference soon so we'll see them then. From what I've heard they're doing well!

We've been busy this week planning for lots of upcoming training's. This weekend we'll be going up to Thessaloniki, and I'm really looking forward to seeing all of the members at church there on Sunday. Then after that we have District Conference in Cyprus and zone conferences in both zones, as well as leadership council, and then the week after that (2 weeks today) we have the new missionaries coming in! So busy busy busy! But it's good, and I'm glad that I have the opportunity to use my studies to learn things that will help the other missionaries.

We didn't have any lessons no, although our investigator E was at church so that was really good!

Oh wow I didn't realise that no! Only nine months left? Crazy!"

An insight from Elder Teals Journals 
(The understanding gained from reading the New Testament in its original Greek)

"I had really interesting personal study this morning, where I read from John 21, in the ancient Greek Text. It was particularly interesting where Jesus asks Peter 3 times, "Do you love Me?" in the Greek its not the same question 3 times. The first two times Jesus uses the word for reverential love, a word which at that time was only used as the love between man and Deity, or love... inspired by Deity. It is the word that is translated as 'Charity" in the King James Version. 
The third time he asks, Jesus uses the word for the love between friends. and this is when Peter realises the full meaning of his question and is saddened, as he remembers his denial. It brought a new level of understanding to the passage which is a little strange in English, and I really enjoyed it."

And an email entry about study using LDS Bible Videos 

"Recently we've been watching the Bible videos during our meal times. They're really well done and really bring it to life. I really like this one:"

"I think it shows really well Jesus' desire for them to change, and despair that they won't listen to him. It must be so discouraging to preach to people when you can discern people's thoughts perfectly, and know they aren't going to change.

"Why can ye not understand my speech?" that's a powerful line

"And I think a big part of is as well is that the Saviour can discern the thoughts of everyone present, and it may be that He speaks to a huge group of people who He knows will not listen, because there's one person in the crowd who will"

Another Facebook picture shared by Sister Heder

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