Week 41 included a Mothers Day Skype call. Missionaries get to Skype call home at Christmas and Mothers Day, To split the year up we mutually decided to take the American date for Mothers day instead of the English one. So although we didn't get many pictures this week we did get to video some of the hour call.
"No I haven't got much to tell you haha! I think this week we had the most lessons in a week that I've had in my mission so far, we had 8, which was really good! And hopefully we'll have even more this week! The problem is that with teaching we don't have as much time to do finding, so it's getting the balance between helping investigators progress and finding new ones!"
After our Sunday afternoon skype we had regular emails on Monday, here are some extracts from the journal pictures he sent.
"We then headed to the waterfront to do some contacting. We spoke to lots of people including one man we've talked to a couple of times before who sells books for one euro. He said hes selling them for his friend who wrote them in memory of his parents. He said he often gives them away and over the years has given away over 20,000 copies. When I asked him why he gives them away he said so he doesn't have to carry them around anymore, which I thought was hilarious!"
"We had a lesson with H where we read together from 1 Nephi 8 about the tree of life. We talked about missionary work and gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon in French to give to a friend which he was more than happy to do."
"We also met a man from Albania and later a man from Egypt who both gave us their phone numbers and addresses."
"Our lesson with J, the Greek orthodox priest went really well. He was very teachable and willing to learn, and agreed with everything that we taught."
"We had a really nice meal with Elder and Sister Howells .
I went on exchanges with Elder Valasquez.. We had a lesson with E on skype. We taught about the 10 commandments and he accepted everything as he had already learnt about them before anyway."
"We also had a lesson with A. We taught The Gospel Of Jesus Christ after reading 2 Nephi 31 together and we did a really good job of adjusting it to his needs. In the end Elder Valasquez shared his conversion story which A. liked a lot as he really wants to receive an answer but doesn't know how. We invited him again to be baptised and he said he has to think about it, which I told him I knew he would say and we read from Alma 32 together about planting a seed. I explained how if we never make that first step, we’ll never receive our answers and he agreed to the date of June 13th! Elder Valasquez and I were both really happy as the lesson couldn't have gone any better, and in the evening we had Home Burger to celebrate. I’m grateful for the 2 fantastic lessons we had today and for the influence the Book Of Mormon can have on people."